How To Use Mailsplash Email Templates

Change your email marketing game with AI-driven, personalized campaigns and templates, simplifying stunning email creation for enhanced customer engagement.

How To Use Mailsplash Email Templates
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Our templates are designed to help you create the perfect email, whether you’re sending a campaign or you’re creating an automation; you’ll be able to use our template gallery.
First, let’s break down the two key differences between our templates: Campaigns and Flows.

Introduction to Email Campaigns and Flows

  • Email Campaigns: These are scheduled emails sent out to a broad or targeted audience. Common uses include product launches, company announcements, and sales promotions. They're typically time-specific and not directly triggered by individual user actions.
  • Email Flows: Also known as automated emails or email automations, these are triggered based on specific user behaviors or milestones. Examples include abandoned cart emails, welcome series, and customer thank you messages. They are more personalized and timely, responding to individual user actions.
Whether you’re sending a flow or a campaign, you’ll be able to choose from 3 templates to base your email on. (We’re working on adding even more!)

Types of campaigns you can create on Mailsplash:

Product Campaigns

Product campaigns are designed to specifically highlight and promote individual products or a range of products. These campaigns aim to increase product awareness, showcase features, and ultimately drive sales.

Review Based Campaigns

Review-based campaigns leverage customer testimonials and reviews to build trust and credibility for the brand or product. These campaigns showcase positive feedback from existing customers, highlighting their experiences and satisfaction.

Event/Holiday Based Email

Event or holiday-based email campaigns are timed around specific events or holidays to capitalize on the increased consumer interest during these periods. These emails may offer special promotions, discounts, or themed products relevant to the occasion, such as Christmas, Easter, or Black Friday.

Announcement Campaigns

Announcement campaigns are used to communicate significant news or updates about the company, such as the launch of a new product line, a major company milestone, or changes in services. These campaigns aim to inform and engage the audience, keeping them updated on the latest developments.

Types of flows you can create on Mailsplash:

Welcome Series

The Welcome Flow is designed to introduce new subscribers or customers to the brand. This flow typically starts when a user signs up for a newsletter or makes their first purchase. The goal is to establish a positive first impression with the new/potential customer.

Abandoned Cart

The Abandoned Cart Flow targets customers who have added items to their shopping cart but did not complete the purchase. The aim is to re-engage these customers and encourage them to return to their cart and finalize the sale.

Browse Abandonment

Browse Abandonment flows are triggered when a customer visits a website and views products but leaves without adding anything to their cart. The objective is to re-capture the interest of these visitors.

Site Abandonment

The Site Abandonment flow is initiated when a visitor leaves the website without significant interaction, such as viewing specific products or categories. The goal is to bring them back to the site and engage them more deeply. The difference between this and a browse abandonment, is that the user would not have viewed a product.

Post-Purchase Customer Thank You

This flow is focused on customers who have completed a purchase. The aim is to thank the customer for their purchase, enhance their satisfaction, and foster loyalty. This flow is vital for building long-term customer relationships and encouraging repeat business.
As mentioned earlier in this article, you’ll have the luxury of choosing from 3 templates per campaign or flow. We will be adding many more templates per email that you want to create soon!

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Daniel Kwon

Written by

Daniel Kwon

Hi! I'm Dan Kwon, a growth hacker and digital innovator who first gained social proof by hitting a million social media followers at 17. I founded an AI writing tool startup, propelling it to $1M ARR and over a million users in just 3 months, leading to a successful exit. My specialty lies in creating viral brand identities and understanding Gen Z’s digital marketing landscape. I'm always ready to share practical, real-world insights in digital marketing.