Complete Guide On Creating BigCommerce Abandoned Cart Emails

Revive sales with bigcommerce abandoned cart emails. Maximize conversions using strategic email campaigns. Boost revenue effortlessly.

Complete Guide On Creating BigCommerce Abandoned Cart Emails
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In the digital age, where online shopping reigns supreme, there is one e-commerce strategy that stands out among the rest: bigcommerce abandoned cart emails. These cleverly crafted messages not only serve as gentle reminders to customers who have left their virtual carts unattended, but also offer enticing incentives to complete their purchases. With the potential to increase checkout conversion rates and boost revenue, bigcommerce abandoned cart emails have become a game-changer in the world of online retail.
Imagine this scenario: you spend hours browsing through an online store, carefully selecting the perfect items to add to your cart. But then, life gets in the way, and you find yourself distracted, leaving your shopping expedition unfinished. Sound familiar? It happens to the best of us. Thanks to bigcommerce abandoned cart emails, retailers now have a powerful tool to reel us back in. These personalized messages, sent at just the right moment, are designed to recapture our attention and remind us of the items we left behind. And to sweeten the deal, they often include exclusive offers or discounts that are simply too good to resist. The result? An increased checkout conversion rate and a boost in revenue for the online store.

What Are BigCommerce Abandoned Cart Emails?

Bigcommerce Abandoned Cart Emails
Bigcommerce Abandoned Cart Emails
Abandoned carts are a common and frustrating occurrence for online retailers. BigCommerce, a leading e-commerce platform, offers a powerful tool called abandoned cart emails to help businesses recover lost sales.

What are abandoned carts?

Abandoned carts refer to the situation when a customer adds products to their online shopping cart but leaves the website without completing the purchase. This can happen for various reasons, such as distractions, hesitation, or simply forgetting to finalize the transaction.

Why do abandoned carts matter?

Abandoned carts have a significant impact on an online business's bottom line. According to industry statistics, the average cart abandonment rate is around 70%. This means that out of every ten potential customers who start the checkout process, seven will abandon their carts. This represents a tremendous loss of potential revenue for businesses.

How does BigCommerce abandoned cart emails work?

BigCommerce's abandoned cart emails provide a solution to help businesses recapture those lost sales. When a customer abandons their cart on a BigCommerce store, the platform automatically triggers a series of personalized emails to remind the customer about the products they left behind. These emails are typically sent shortly after the abandonment occurs, with follow-up messages sent at predetermined intervals.
The goal of these emails is to gently nudge customers back to complete their purchases. They often include a reminder of the items left in the cart, along with enticing offers, discounts, or incentives to motivate the customer to return and complete their transaction.

Benefits of using BigCommerce abandoned cart emails

1. Recover lost sales

By sending targeted and timely reminders, businesses can increase the chances of customers returning to complete their purchases, resulting in recovered sales that would have otherwise been lost.

2. Personalized communication

BigCommerce abandoned cart emails can be personalized based on customer data, such as the products left in the cart, purchase history, or customer preferences. This personalized approach enhances the effectiveness of the email, making it more relevant and compelling to the customer.

3. Increase customer engagement

Abandoned cart emails provide an opportunity to re-engage with customers who have shown interest in the products but didn't complete the purchase. By providing helpful information, addressing any concerns, or offering incentives, businesses can foster a deeper connection with customers and encourage future purchases.

4. Improve customer satisfaction

In some cases, customers may have abandoned their carts due to technical issues or a poor user experience. By proactively reaching out to these customers, BigCommerce's abandoned cart emails allow businesses to address any problems and ensure a seamless shopping experience, ultimately improving customer satisfaction.
BigCommerce abandoned cart emails are a valuable tool for online retailers to recover lost sales and engage with customers who have abandoned their carts. By leveraging the power of personalized communication, timely reminders, and enticing offers, businesses can maximize their revenue potential and enhance customer satisfaction.

Complete Guide On Creating BigCommerce Abandoned Cart Emails

Bigcommerce Abandoned Cart Emails
Bigcommerce Abandoned Cart Emails

The Art of Copywriting in Abandoned Cart Emails

The copywriting in your abandoned cart emails plays a crucial role in grabbing the recipient's attention, sparking their interest, and ultimately convincing them to complete their purchase. Here are some tips to help you craft compelling copy:

1. Personalize the message

Address the customer by their name and reference the items they left in their cart. This personal touch shows that you value their business and makes the email feel more personalized.

2. Create urgency

Use persuasive language to convey a sense of urgency. Highlight limited stock availability, limited-time discounts, or the expiration of any promotional offers to encourage immediate action.

3. Focus on benefits

Highlight the key benefits of the products they left behind. Explain how these items can solve their problems or enhance their lives. By emphasizing the value they'll gain from completing the purchase, you make it more enticing.

4. Include social proof

Include testimonials or reviews from satisfied customers who have already purchased the same or similar products. Social proof helps build trust and reassures the customer that they are making a good choice.

5. Provide a clear call-to-action (CTA)

Use a strong and concise CTA that clearly directs the customer to complete their purchase. Place the CTA prominently in the email and make it visually appealing.

Packaging Your Abandoned Cart Emails Effectively

The packaging of your abandoned cart emails refers to how you present the content, structure, and design of the email. Consider the following tips to make your emails visually appealing and user-friendly:

1. Use eye-catching subject lines

Craft compelling subject lines that grab attention and entice the recipient to open the email. Consider using personalization, curiosity, or a sense of urgency to make the subject line irresistible.

2. Keep it concise

People have short attention spans, so keep your email content concise and to the point. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, or subheadings to break up the text and make it scannable.

3. Use visual elements

Incorporate images that showcase the products the customer left behind. Use high-quality, appealing visuals that accurately represent the items. Consider using animated GIFs or videos to engage the reader further.

4. Mobile optimization

Ensure your emails are mobile-friendly and responsive. Many people check their emails on their mobile devices, so it's crucial that your email renders well on smaller screens for a seamless user experience.

5. Test and optimize

Don't be afraid to experiment with different design elements, layouts, and formatting. Test different variations of your emails to see what resonates best with your audience. Analyze the performance metrics, such as open rates and click-through rates, to identify areas for improvement.

Designing an Effective Abandoned Cart Email Template

A well-designed abandoned cart email template can greatly enhance the overall effectiveness of your email campaign. Consider the following guidelines when designing your template:

1. Brand consistency

Ensure that your email template reflects your brand's visual identity. Use your brand colors, fonts, and logo to create a cohesive and recognizable design.

2. Clear and concise layout

Organize the content in a clean and structured manner. Use a hierarchy of headings, subheadings, and body text to guide the reader's attention. Make sure that your key messages and CTAs are easily noticeable.

3. White space

Avoid cluttering your email with too much information. Leave enough white space around the text and images to create a sense of balance and make the email more visually appealing.

4. Responsive design

Optimize your email template for different screen sizes and devices. Test how the email renders on desktop, mobile, and tablet, ensuring that all elements are easily viewable and clickable.

5. A/B testing

Experiment with different design elements, such as button colors, font sizes, or image placements. A/B test different variations of your email template to identify the most effective design for your audience.
Crafting effective abandoned cart emails requires careful attention to copywriting, packaging, and email template design. Personalization, urgency, benefits, and social proof are key elements of persuasive copywriting. Packaging refers to the presentation of your content, while email template design involves brand consistency, layout, white space, responsiveness, and A/B testing. By following these guidelines, you can create abandoned cart emails that grab attention, engage your audience, and drive conversions.

The Importance of Email Template Design for BigCommerce Abandoned Cart Emails

Bigcommerce Abandoned Cart Emails
Bigcommerce Abandoned Cart Emails
When it comes to recovering lost sales and boosting conversions, abandoned cart emails play a crucial role in the success of an e-commerce business. These emails are sent to customers who have added items to their cart but have not completed the purchase. The effectiveness of these emails depends greatly on the design of the email templates used. Here's why email template design is important for abandoned cart emails.

1. Grabbing Attention with a Compelling Subject Line

The subject line of an abandoned cart email is the first opportunity to engage with the customer and entice them to open the email. A well-designed template allows for a visually appealing subject line that stands out in the cluttered inbox. Using attention-grabbing colors, fonts, and graphics in the template design can help increase the open rates of these emails.

2. Creating Visual Appeal

An aesthetically pleasing email template design is crucial for catching the recipient's attention and keeping them engaged. By incorporating visually appealing elements such as high-quality product images, attractive layout, and consistent branding, the email template design helps to create a positive impression and encourage the customer to continue the purchasing process.

3. Enhancing Brand Experience

Consistency in branding is key to building a strong brand identity. Email template design allows businesses to incorporate their brand colors, logos, and overall visual style, creating a cohesive brand experience for customers. When customers receive an abandoned cart email that reflects the same visual identity as the website, they are more likely to trust the email's authenticity and feel confident in completing their purchase.

4. Clear Call-to-Action

An effective abandoned cart email should have a clear call-to-action that prompts the recipient to take action and complete their purchase. A well-designed email template can highlight the call-to-action button with contrasting colors, bold text, or eye-catching graphics, making it more visible and clickable. Clear and compelling call-to-action design increases the chances of customers returning to their abandoned carts and completing their purchases.

5. Mobile Responsiveness

With the growing number of consumers accessing emails on their mobile devices, it's crucial to ensure that your abandoned cart email templates are mobile-responsive. A mobile-friendly design ensures that the email is displayed properly on various screen sizes, making it easy for customers to navigate and complete their purchase. A seamless mobile experience can significantly improve the conversion rates of abandoned cart emails.

6. Personalization and Dynamic Content

A well-designed email template allows for personalization and dynamic content, making the customer feel valued and understood. Incorporating the customer's name, personalized product recommendations, or a reminder of the items left in the cart can create a more personalized experience. By utilizing dynamic content and personalization, businesses can increase the effectiveness of abandoned cart emails and drive more conversions.
The design of email templates for abandoned cart emails is of utmost importance in driving conversions and recovering lost sales. From grabbing attention with a compelling subject line to creating visual appeal, enhancing the brand experience, and optimizing for mobile devices, a well-designed template can significantly improve the effectiveness of abandoned cart email campaigns. By paying attention to these design elements, businesses can maximize their chances of successfully recovering abandoned carts and boosting their overall sales.

Create Stunning Email Templates That Convert With Mailsplash

Creating effective abandoned cart email campaigns is a crucial strategy for businesses using the BigCommerce platform. Mailsplash, an AI-powered tool, offers a solution that empowers brands to design and create stunning and converting email templates in just minutes. With Mailsplash, you can easily send these emails using any email service provider, such as Mailchimp or Klaviyo. Let's explore how Mailsplash can help you master the art of abandoned cart emails and boost your conversions.

1. Personalize Your Campaigns for Maximum Impact

Mailsplash enables you to create personalized email campaigns that speak directly to your customers. By leveraging customer data and segmentation, you can tailor your messages to address specific pain points and motivations. Personalization increases engagement and encourages customers to take action, maximizing your chances of recovering abandoned carts.

2. Design Stunning Email Templates

With Mailsplash, you don't need to be a professional designer to create visually appealing email templates. The AI-powered tool offers a range of stylish and customizable templates to choose from. You can easily customize these templates to match your brand's unique aesthetic, ensuring that your emails stand out in your customer's inbox.

3. Automate Your Flows for Efficiency

Mailsplash allows you to set up automated email flows that trigger at specific intervals after a cart has been abandoned. These flows can include a series of well-crafted emails designed to re-engage customers and entice them to complete their purchase. Automating your abandoned cart emails saves you time and ensures that every customer receives a timely reminder.

4. Seamless Integration with BigCommerce

Integrating Mailsplash with your BigCommerce store is a breeze. You can effortlessly sync your customer data, including abandoned cart information, to Mailsplash. This integration ensures that you have access to accurate and up-to-date data when creating your email campaigns.

5. Cost-Effective Solution for Freelancers, Brands, and Agencies

Mailsplash offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional marketing agencies. By eliminating the need for expensive design and development resources, Mailsplash enables freelancers, brands, and agencies to create high-converting email campaigns at a fraction of the cost. This affordability allows businesses of all sizes to harness the power of abandoned cart emails and drive their sales.
Mailsplash provides an AI-powered solution to create personalized and visually stunning abandoned cart email campaigns for BigCommerce. By leveraging its features and seamless integration with your store, you can recover lost sales and boost your overall conversions. Don't let abandoned carts go unnoticed, unleash the power of Mailsplash and turn lost opportunities into loyal customers.

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Daniel Kwon

Written by

Daniel Kwon

Hi! I'm Dan Kwon, a growth hacker and digital innovator who first gained social proof by hitting a million social media followers at 17. I founded an AI writing tool startup, propelling it to $1M ARR and over a million users in just 3 months, leading to a successful exit. My specialty lies in creating viral brand identities and understanding Gen Z’s digital marketing landscape. I'm always ready to share practical, real-world insights in digital marketing.

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